Northwest Church is hosting a Special Business Meeting to discuss Pastor Mike’s retirement intentions. As part of this process, we will consider Pastor Pablo for the role of Lead Pastor upon Pastor Mike’s retirement.

Our church maintains a strong vision from God to impact our community, disciple believers, and to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. We have made great strides toward this vision. Pastor Mike and the church board has considered several options to strengthen our financial position and grow our pastoral staff in efforts to accomplish God’s vision for Northwest Church. The congregation has entertained a number of these ideas. Currently, Pastor Mike is considering retirement from lead pastoring to pursue a calling to strengthen churches and church leaders across the nation - helping pastors do what he has done for the past 30 years. Upon retiring, Northwest Church would be positioned to expand staffing to aid the accomplishment of our vision.

As part of this consideration, we will continue the ongoing conversation with the congregation to consider Pastor Pablo as the potential next Lead Pastor of Northwest Church.

Here is the timeline:

  • Fall 2024: Pastor Mike received a call from Pastor Pablo to process his consideration of a ministry transition. Pastor Pablo had served on a church staff and was navigating his calling that directed him toward a role as a Lead Pastor. His church offered him a position as a campus pastor, where Pastor Pablo served for three years. During the conversation, Pastor Mike shared an idea with Pastor Pablo. The idea was for Pablo to join the Northwest pastoral team and prayerfully consider submitting a resume for the position of Lead Pastor upon Pastor Mike’s retirement. Pastor Pablo had interest, and Pastor Mike and Pastor Pablo began to pray.

  • Still Fall of 2024: Pastor Mike immediately shared this idea with the church board. Although this is a common approach to a pastoral transition, our story is somewhat unique in that Pastor Mike is NOT resigning. Pastor Mike is NOT looking to become a pastor at a different church. In fact, Pastor Mike is prayerfully exploring God’s plan for Northwest Church and his future role in ministry. With high trust, Pastor Mike asked the Northwest Church board to process these thoughts with him.

  • Still fall of 2024: The Northwest Church board interviewed Pastor Pablo to join the pastoral staff. The interview included the possibility of accepting Pastor Pablo’s resume for the role of Lead Pastor in the future. This plan was openly discussed in detail with the congregation at an informational meeting.

  • November 2024: Pastor Pablo joined the pastoral staff at Northwest Church.

  • 2025: An interview team was formed comprising of one board member, a board member ending his term, and five congregants. The result of the interview process was a recommendation to the church board to consider Pastor Pablo as our next Lead Pastor. The board interviewed Pastor Pablo again. As a result, the Northwest Church board is recommending Pastor Pablo to the congregation for consideration as our next Lead Pastor.

    See the scheduled events below:

Meet and Greet

Northwest Church will host two Meet and Greets, giving the congregation a time to interact with and inquire to Pastor Pablo and Sarah Russi.

SUNDAY, APRIL 27 - There will be a Meet and Greet in the Sanctuary immediately following the worship service.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 - There will be a Meet and Greet in the Youth Auditorium at 7pm.

Special Business Meeting

Northwest Church will host a special business meeting on SUNDAY, MAY 4 (following the morning service).

At this meeting, Pastor Mike will share an update on his probable retirement.

We will host a membership vote to consider Pastor Pablo as the next Lead Pastor of Northwest Church.